The Malt Shop & We Are Not Alone Podcast

WHFR Forum Podcast for March 6, 2012: We Are Not Alone

Roger Marsh joins host David Twichell today. Roger is a UFO writer, author and playwright. As an independent filmmaker, he has written and directed two full length films and three documentaries. He is director of communications for both the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and Pennsylvania MUFON. He writes articles for the National UFO Examiner and is the editor of the MUFON UFO Journal.

WHFR Forum Podcast for February 7, 2012: We Are Not Alone w/Mack Maloney

Mack Maloney is the author of 40 books and counting, including two bestsellers. Most of his books have been historical fiction dealing with the US military and wartime scenarios, such as the "Wingman" series and now "The Pirate Hunters," but his latest book is non-fiction, entitled “UFOs in Wartime: What They Didn’t Want You to Know”. Join host David Twichell and listen for war stories you probably have never heard before.

WHFR Forum Podcast for December 6, 2011: We Are Not Alone wsg Paul Von Ward

Host David Twichell interviews Paul Von Ward, an independent scholar, author and ordained Baptist minister. His book, “We Have Never Been Alone: A History of Extraterrestrial Intervention," explores the ancient astronaut theory, world religions, and cultural myths to demonstrate their connection with today’s UFO phenomenon. Mr. Ward has graduate degrees in government and psychology from Harvard and Florida State University, and for three decades has served as a U.S. naval officer, U.S. diplomat, and international educator. Currently, he is a MUFON [Mutual UFO Network] consultant in psychology.

WHFR Forum Podcast for October 4, 2011: We Are Not Alone wsg/John Ventre

John Ventre is the Pennsylvania State Director for the Mutual UFO Network or MUFON. John will be speaking at the Pennsylvania State UFO conferences in October, which he is sponsoring. He will be presenting on his book “The Day After 2012”. The book delves into various End Time Prophecies from Hopi, and Biblical, to Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon. John says, “If you think these are the bad times; wait until 2013”. John shares some of these predictions as well as some of the well documented UFO cases on our nation's east coast.

WHFR Forum Podcast for September 6, 2011: We Are Not Alone wsg Bill Weber

Bill Weber is a Field Investigator for The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Weber supports MUFON through participation in their Pennsylvania State UFO conferences and will be speaking there this October on the subject of UFOs and Technology. Weber has been the State Section Director for the 13 counties representing South-Eastern Pennsylvania since January of 2010. His background is in Electrical Engineering where, as a designer, he holds 3 U.S. Patents. Have some of our technologies been back engineered from crashed UFOs?

WHFR Forum Podcast for August 2, 2011: We Are Not Alone w/Dr. David Jacobs

Dr. David Jacobs PhD. is the Director of the International Center for Abduction Research. He is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. He has researched the UFO phenomenon since 1973 specializing in alien abductions. He has conducted nearly 900 hypnotic regressions with over 140 abductees. He is the author of “Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions”, “The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda” and “UFOs & Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge”.

WHFR Forum Podcast for June 7, 2011: We Are Not Alone w/Sam Maranto

Sam Maranto is Illinois’ State director for The Mutual UFO Network or MUFON. Mr. Maranto is best known for his role as the lead investigator of the 2004 Tinley Park, IL, mass UFO sighting case, the O’Hare International Airport sighting of 2006, and the Northlake car incident of 2008. His case studies have been used in numerous television programs, including “10 Best UFO Encounters” on NBC’s Dateline, “Invasion Illinois, Aliens at the Airport”, and the History Channel’s “UFO Hunters”. He has been interviewed on numerous media shows.

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