WHFR Journal, 1-13-12, 1-2 PM: Interview with author Richard Greener

Richard Greener is the author of a series of fiction novels whose central figure is Walter Sherman, a.k.a. The Locator, now a new FOX-TV series: "The Finder," Thursdays 9-10 PM. We'll ask him about his writing career and how Hart Hanson, creator and executive producer of FOX's "Bones," got involved to also produce this TV series. However, an equally important story is Mr. Greener's struggle with heart problems for several decades and how he received amazing support and encouragement from many famous people, as well as his wife, of course (and many doctors and hospitals).

Motor Live Drive 5th Anniversery Part 2, Ronnie McNeir

After the fabulous soul styling of Motown singers Melvin Davis and Pat Lewis last week we return today at 5pm with a shot of jazz & soul from Ronnie McNeir of the Four Tops. A pioneer in the use of synthesizers in R&B Ronnie McNeir brings in his solo keyboard project for our 225th performance.

Monday FORUM, 1-9-12, 6-7 PM: Sierra Club Radio, Freakonomics Radio, EarthSky 22, and TED Talks

The latest weekly news episode (12-31-12) from the number one environmental lobbyist non-profit is followed by a short Freakonomics comment, "Why is American food so bad?" Then EarthSky22 ("Science and music from Austin, TX") contemplates the origin and future of life--all in 22 minutes! Finally, in the TED Talks series, Graham Hill explores how to have less stuff AND more happiness.
Can't listen to the broadcast? Remember: all WHFR talk shows are archived, after broadcast, and available anytime for listening or downloading from this website.

Monday FORUM, 1-2-12, 6-7 PM: EarthSky 22, EarthSky 8, and Freakonomics Radio

Happy New Year! Our featured podcasts this week begin with EarthSky 22 (science and music from Austin, TX): "The Mayan calendar and 12-21-12." Then, in EarthSky 8, Neil deGrasse Tyson suggests an appropriate New Year's resolution: "Learning How to Think." Finally, Stephen J. Dubner hosts another episode of Freakonomics Radio: "How is a Bad Radio Station [NOT WHFR, certainly] Like Our Public School System," because no issue is more important in 2012 than the education of our children for today's world.

Happy New Year from WHFR!

From everyone here at WHFR.FM, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Enjoy extended classical programing this weekend starting tonight at 10pm until 3pm tomorrow afternoon! Also save 20% at the WHFR online store all weekend long when you spend at least $50. Use promo code NY20 at the checkout and remember, every purchase helps us continue making waves! Thanks for supporting WHFR in 2011 and we look forward to celebrating our 27th year of alternative programming with you in 2012!

Forget-Me-Not Thrift Store -- Resale with a Purpose This month on IMPACT! December 27, 1pm-2pm

Each month IMPACT! introduces you to individuals and groups making a positive difference in the community. This month's special guests are Kim & Stephanie Gross from the Forget-Me-Not Thrift Store in Lincoln Park.

What makes this store so special, is the 501c status. All profits go to suicide-prevention entities.

Within two years, Kim lost a 21-year-old nephew and 26-year-old daughter-in-law to suicide. Kim's daughter Stephanie was especially close to her cousin.

KWANZAA Special "Monday FORUM," Dec. 26, 6-7 PM

To mark the beginning of the Kwanzaa holiday celebration, WHFR is proud to offer "Season's Griot 2011" in our regular Monday FORUM slot (while "Parent Connection" is on hiatus until the 4th Monday in January). Public Radio International has provided to us this annual Kwanzaa holiday show, this year incorporating the always important issue of PEACE.

"Best of 2011 Week"--Dec. 26 through Jan. 1

You may already know what the top-selling songs and albums were for 2011, but what was the BEST of the music released that was EQUAL TO OR BETTER than those "hits"? WHFR DJs look back on their playlists from this year to truly bring you the best of the ALTERNATIVE music, in every style we proudly feature. So you'll hear the year's best from INDEPENDENT and, as much as possible, LOCAL artists that the commercial stations haven't played. WHFR: beginning our 27th year of "making waves."

SPECIAL WHFR-hosted "Winter Season Celebration" shows begin 10 PM Friday 12-23 thru 10 AM Monday 12-26

Our volunteer DJ staff has recorded FOURTEEN different one-hour shows celebrating all the holidays associated with the season: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanaa, New Year's--and WHFR's Birthday (26 years old on Dec. 20, now beginning our 27th year!). So tune in often during these 60 hours. Each set will repeat several times. All of our regular shows are suspended until Monday. ENJOY!

Monday FORUM, 12-19-11, 6-7 PM: Philosophy Talk & EarthSky8

"Forgive and Forget" is the Philosophy Talk episode featured today, especially appropriate for the season, we think. Also EarthSky8 (only 8 minutes!) features an interview with Leon Lederman in which he explains the mystery and beauty of the Higgs boson--a.k.a. the "God"particle.

Monday FORUM, 12-12-11, 6-7 PM: Sierra Club Radio, Planetary Radio, and TED Talks

Catch up on the latest ecology and science news from recent episodes of "Sierra Club Radio (from The Sierra Club)," 12/3/11, and "Planetary Radio (from The Planetary Society), " 12/8/11. Then, one episode of TED Talks: Joe Sabia gives a four minute tribute to the creator of POP-UP BOOKS [great trivia question!] in his presentation, "The Technology of Storytelling."

The New WHFR Journal, 12-9-11, 1-2 PM: Special Guest--Dan Merritt, Green Brain Comics

Dan Merritt, besides being co-owner (with his wife Katie) of Green Brain Comics in east Dearborn, is also the vice president of the EDDDA, East Dearborn Downtown Development Authority. He'll speak of the area's growth and future plans, and the role of the EDDDA, as well as the struggles of today's small business person in general. (NOTE: Dan is also a former WHFR DJ!)

Wishes and Christmas on "Theme Attic" this week, Thursday, 10-Noon, December 8th!

It's the time of the year when people of all ages might actually wish for something. "Theme Attic," the radio show that picks themes and plays music from a variety of genres about selected subjects, takes a non-definitive look at songs about "wishes" and throws in some Christmas songs for good measure! Join host DJ Phil Maq on Thursday, December 8th at 10:00 AM for his clever and unusual takes on music!

Tuesday FORUM, 12-6-11, 1-2 PM: We Are Not Alone wsg Paul Von Ward

Host David Twichell interviews Paul Von Ward, an independent scholar, author and ordained Baptist minister. His book, “We Have Never Been Alone: A History of Extraterrestrial Intervention," explores the ancient astronaut theory, world religions, and cultural myths to demonstrate their connection with today’s UFO phenomenon. Mr. Ward has graduate degrees in government and psychology from Harvard and Florida State University, and for three decades has served as a U.S. naval officer, U.S. diplomat, and international educator.

Monday FORUM, 12-5-11, 6-7 PM: Freakonomics Radio and 3 EarthSky8 interviews

This episode of Freakonomics Radio explores Gullibility--why people believe and/or do dumb things. One example: why do we believe in Climate Change? EarthSky8 presents the opinions of three scientists: Richard Alley, The Abruptness of Climate Change; Frank Wentz, More Rain?; and Frank Hill, No New Ice Age. Listen and decide for yourself!

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