The Malt Shop & We Are Not Alone Podcast

We Are Not Alone November 7, 2022: Paul Blake Smith

Guest: "Paul Blake Smith":
Paul Blake Smith is the author of "President Eisenhower's Close Encounters" just released via Foundations Publishing, Paul previously authored "MO41, The Bombshell Before Roswell" related to the April 1941 UFO event outside his hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri as well as other books resulting from his research into UAP matters. Paul has been a guest on "Coast to Coast AM," Linda Moulton Howe's "Earthfiles" report, and has been interviewed by longtime investigative reporter, George Knapp.
Aired: November 7, 2022

We Are Not Alone October 3, 2022: Kevin J. Briggs

Guest: "Kevin J. Briggs":
Kevin Briggs is an author specializing in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book "Spiritual Consciousness a Personal Journey" covers 57 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin has been a guest on the Whitley Strieber radio show, Unknown Country, and many others.
Aired: October 3, 2022

We Are Not Alone September 5, 2022: Kevin J. Briggs

Guest: "Kevin J. Briggs":
Kevin Briggs is an author specializing in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book "Spiritual Consciousness a Personal Journey" covers 57 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin has been a guest on the Whitley Strieber radio show, Unknown Country, and many others.
Aired: September 5, 2022

We Are Not Alone August 1, 2022: Peter Robbins

Guest: "Peter Robbins":
Peter Robbins is one of America's most respected investigative writers specializing in the subject of UFOs. Peter has been involved in this field for more than thirty years, as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, activist and author. We discuss his presentation at the 2022 MUFON International Symposium in Denver, CO, and the effect of the recent congressional hearing on UAPs.
Aired: August 1, 2022

We Are Not Alone July 4, 2022: Kathleen Garden

Guest: "Kathleen Marden":
Kathleen is a researcher, author, on camera expert, and conference presenter whose research has extended to archival collections and the US government's involvement in the investigation of UFOs and its major studies. Kathleen's interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961 when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill, had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire's White Mountains. Kathleen discusses her latest book, "Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation."
Aired: July 4, 2022

We Are Not Alone June 6, 2022: Chuck Zukowski

Guest: "Chuck Zukowski":
Chuck Zukowski has been investigating the UFO/Paranormal phenomenon for about 35 years and has appeared on numerous radio and television shows discussing his investigations. In 2016 Ben Mezrich released his book, "The 37th Parallel", The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway (a TV show in which Chuck Zukowski starred).
Aired: June 6, 2022

We Are Not Alone May 2, 2022: Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Frank Thayer, Ph.D.

Guest: "Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Frank Thayer, Ph.D.":
Scott and Suzanne Ramsey are the foremost researchers into the Aztec UFO Incident, having worked on the story since 1987, discovering archives and pursuing interviews throught the U.S. They are joined by Frank Thayer, Ph.D. to discuss their book, "The Aztec UFO Incident."
Aired: May 2, 2022

We Are Not Alone April 4, 2022: Martha Twichell

Guest: "Martha Twichell":
Martha Twichell (a pseudonym) is David's sister. She is 3 years his senior, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and has lived in the area all her life. She has been a life-long alien experiencer and discusses her recollections of other worldly beings.
Aired: April 4, 2022

We Are Not Alone March 7, 2022: David Twichell

Guest: "David Twichell":
David Twichell is the guest this time and Tony Sivalelli is the guest host. Twichell discusses his own personal close encounter UFO sighting as well as the many other paranormal encounters he has experienced in his life that led him to developing We Are Not Alone for WHFR radio.
Aired: March 7, 2022

We Are Not Alone February 7, 2022: Tony Sivalelli

Guest: "Tony Sivalelli":
Tony Sivalelli has looked into the possibility of what he refers to as "Not-of-this-Earth- Intelligences" for over 25 years. He has authored a book titled "Ambassadors to the Stars" which explores this theme from a variety of angles.Tony also teaches what is called Basic Scientific Remote Viewing.
Aired: February 7, 2022

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