WHFR is pleased to feature a new WHFR DJ Spotlight Series for our home page so our DJs can stay connected with you while we're temporarily away from the Studio A chair. You might find music reviews, suggestions for staying active, backstories about how we got into the radio business, and some nice comments to help us all stay connected. Enjoy!

("NORMAL TEXT" if you click on headline to read full story)

M̀ike̸ De͢re͢nie͏w̶ski ̀r̸e͟i͠g̢ns̴ t̷he̸ ai̶r̸w͡av̶es̕ w̵i̵t͡h ̶W͢H͡F̡Ŕ’s lo̢n̛ges̢t̛ ru̸nnin̴g͢ ŗa̴d͢i̡o ̴s̴ho̸w,́ Skro͏c̴kin̛' Ýȩr ͝Buto̡w.̴ Beg̴in̴n͡i̷n͝g ̕in ͝1991 ̵a̕n̕d̶ sti҉l̨l ͝t̡òda͞y͏, Mi̶ke ̛k̴e̶e͏ps͡ his l̨i͝s͞te͞ne͟ŗs ́“in ̶t̀he͏ k͞noẃ” b̡y̕ ̕s̵h̵a͡r͠ing͝ ̀m̶u̸s̡ic ̶ran͞g̛ing ̸f̴rom in̕die̡ ͢girl ̀ b҉an̵d͏s tò h̛igh q̷u̧al̀ity no̸ise.

Durin̵g ̶hi̶s t͡im̶e a̸t ͡th͟e ͞sta͟tion,̨ in̷ ̨ad҉di̧t̡i̵òn̵ t́ǫ ͢p̷r̸og͟ram̕mi̶ng͢ h̷is ́re̡gu̶larl̴y͟ sch̕ed̕u͟led͟ shoẃ, ̛he h̴a̶s̸ sȩrv̴ed ̀a͞s ̀P͢r͝ǫmotio̶ńs̵ ̢Co͏ord̡iǹator̢ and҉ al͢so͞ ̶Ṕro̶g͝r͠a̵m͟ ̴D͢i̢rec͝to̧r (t͝w̴ic̨e)͟. In͢ ͞ad̸di̧ti̕on҉ ͜to ̀h͠i͏s ̕PD͡ ̧d̶ut́i͢e͡s, h͡e̶ ̢is̨ ̨cu̸r̴re̶ntly the ͢Ou̸t̡er̛ ͝Limi҉t́s Music D̡i͠re̡c͠t͝o͝r, ̛N͝e͞ws̵l̢e͢tter Ed͞i̕tor of̸ the ͏Lo̢yal ҉Listeneŗ (bot͞h pr͢int a͡n̵d ͞“e̢” ҉èditio͢ns̨), ͘an͢d ̶cre͢àt̛o̷r of͢ ̶th͢e͏ ͢WH̵F̢R҉ Ręc̡o͏rd S͏how͞,͝ ̢t̷h̛e ͘an͜nu̵a͞l ͠b̛en̴ęf͡it ̡e̸ve͝n̕t ͞th͢a̴t̷ r͟a̵i͝ses ͡o͢ver $10̸00̀ in̨ ̡d͡onati̷ǫn̕s̕ ̡funds̷ for ͡th̷e̛ s̵tat̕ion͞.
Sk͏ŕơckin͠’ Yer Buto̕w… ̵has̵ a ̨b̢ig̷ ̢soir̀e͝e͞ o҉f s̸urp̸rises ̀a̵nd a HUGE ͡ann̶o͢u҉nc͏e̕m̷e͏nt̵ ̨in s̶t̷or̨é ͞f̷or 20̸21, i̕t҉s ͏30̀t́h̷ y̨eàr̴ ͝of ̵bro̧a̢d̛c̢ast…́ ́Śtay ͡t̕un͡e̵d̸!

-DJ ͜M̛arie̷, ͡f̛or̛me̛r ̵ẂHF̷Ŗ ̷s͞t́a̷ff ͡m͠emb͝e͡r

Mike Dereniewski reigns the airwaves with WHFR’s longest running radio show, Skrockin' Yer Butow... Beginning in 1991, and still today, Mike keeps his listeners “in the know” by sharing music ranging from indie girl bands to high quality noise.

During his time at the station, in addition to programming his regularly scheduled show, he has served as Promotions Coordinator and also Program Director (twice). In addition to his PD duties, is currently the Outer Limits Music Director, Newsletter Editor of the Loyal Listener (both print and “e” editions), and creator of the WHFR Record Show, the annual benefit event that raises over $1000 in donations funds for the station.

Skrockin’ Yer Butow… has a big soiree of surprises and a HUGE announcement in store for 2021, its 30th year of broadcast… Stay tuned!

-DJ Marie, former WHFR staff member