WHFR Podcasts

The New WHFR Journal Podcast for September 28, 2012

September 25, 2012: WHFR Tuesday Forum - "Impact"

WHFR Journal, 9-21-12: Dr. Gail Mee and Ralph Nader

WHFR Journal

Dr. Gail Mee updates us on the exciting new school year at Henry Ford Community College in our first half hour. She will be leaving HFCC after six busy years with numerous local accomplishments and both national and local recognition for her work. In the second half, we speak to "Mr. Public Citizen," Ralph Nader, who ran for President in 2000, 2004, and 2008, twice on a Third party ticket and once as an Independent. Should we vote at all this November? For whom? Why don't we hear more about all the choices we actually have on the ballot?

WHFR Journal, 9-14-12: The November Ballot Proposals

WHFR Journal

On November 6, the Presidential race is very important, as are the local contests. However, the ELEVEN proposals on the ballot in Wayne county--with SIX being statewide--could perhaps have the biggest impact on our everyday lives, so on today's JOURNAL we presents the proposals in detail, with a variety of perspectives about their need, value, and consequence.

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